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The No Books No Ball Basketball Program offers a co-ed basketball experience for children ages 6 – 16 years old. For many, our program is an introduction to the fundamentals of Basketball.

Since its’ inception, the No Books No Ball Program held its basketball program indoors, between November and March of every year. However, when the pandemic struck in March of 2020, children in Boston and around the Commonwealth of Massachusetts were restricted to their homes and physical education during the school day was eliminated. Throughout the rest of 2020 and into 2021, public and private school children were attending school from home in isolation. With school buildings and other recreational facilities closed, NBNB’s winter program was forced to take a pause.

In the spring of 2021, Richards and his team began to imagine NBNB outdoors and decided to pivot and redesign the program. Richards and his team created a special summer league designed to restore the physical and mental health of hundreds of inner-city youth who were living through the restrictions of COVID-19. As a result, NBNB’s “Pandemic Relief Summer League” was started in the Spring of 2021. After a successful first season, NBNB offered the Pandemic Relief Summer League in 2022 and the Safe Summer Basketball League in 2023. 

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